The one person that we all talk to throughout the day is ourselves. We hold conversations with, ask questions to and make observations to ourselves all day long.

Here are the four ways that you could very well be self-sabotaging or self destroying your business :

1. Poor affirmations.

Since you all are doing job or engaged in your other businesses you often use these poor affirmation self talk , ” I have nothing to lose even if I fail , I have my job/business for backup ,” as if you are preparing yourself to lose it all.
Whenever you are thinking such, the universe will give you exactly what you expected.
Instead think there is no option for losing. & you have a winning mindset and affirmations to go with it.

2. Not being there now.

The mindset of “I will” rather than “I am” can be equally self-sabotaging. For example, a dialogue that goes, “I will be the owner of the largest e-commerce business ” is different from one that affirms, “I own the largest e-commerce business .”
I have found that telling myself I will do something is the same as telling myself that I’m not doing that now.
So today I live as if I have already accomplished my goal. When your subconscious already believes that you’re the person you wish to be, goals are accomplished in double time.

3. Killer words.

Have you ever found yourself uttering self-defeating statements? The word goes like – “Not to be negative but” or “I can’t” or “I need.”
If you start a sentence with “not to be negative but,” you are indeed being negative. So stop.
Lastly, saying “I need” is as bad as “I can’t.” When you need, your mindset is not rooted in a place of abundance.
I use to tell myself, “I need more great agents to join my company.”
When you have a mindset of need, you create more need. Instead, I now live in a mindset of plenty with outlooks like this:
“I am a magnet. I have more than I need but I am always happy to find a spot on our team for more great agents.”

4. Negativity.

Simply put, negativity destroys businesses. Entrepreneurship requires you to see the silver lining because there always is one.
Even when competition, employees or just daily work knocks you down, find the lesson in it and count your blessings. Every great business leader and entrepreneur is a by-product of the failures they have overcome. Get over it. Rise with a smile on. It’s your job.

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