Earnwithnayak is an Entrepreneurial training & development platform where we help individuals through the establishment of their own businesses. We aim for a holistic approach to the development of an individual business from the ground up rather than from the top down after identifying & analyzing each Individual key skills & project ideas.
We have Three verticals :-
> Earnwithnayak Entrepreneurial Training,seminars and workshops are a grass-roots level program which aims to train individuals about various facets of entrepreneurial startups & its skill development.
> Earnwithnayak Franshise programe helps in selecting the right franchise that suits an individual and, in turn, aims to assist numerous organisations in franchise expansion.
> Earnwithnayak Startup Guide programme is a dedicated business building programme that assists individual in setting up the businesses w.r.t to Business Counselling, Strategizing, Idea Generation, Project evaluation, startup funding , Scaling up & execution assistance of Startup or existing Businesses.